- Google Chrome on a macOS or Windows computer. I’m not sure if this works on Linux or ChromeOS
- USB U2F Token – I recommend a YubiKey 4. You can get by with a basic FIDO U2F Security Key, but the full YubiKey 4 can be used with LastPass or for things like static passwords
- BLE U2F Token – I recommend a Vasco DIGIPASS SecureClick
- DIGIPASS SecureClick Manager Chrome App – this is a Chrome App, so it does not show up when searching for Chrome extensions.
- Google Smart Lock App – if you are installing this on an iPad, you need to search for iPhone apps
- Plug the Bluetooth bridge into your computer. Wait for the Yellow LED to stop blinking. If it does not stop blinking (indicating a problem installing the drivers), try a different computer
- In Chrome, add the DIGIPASS SecureClick Manager app to Chrome
- Launch DIGIPASS SecureClick Manager and click "Add SecureClick"
- Follow the instructions and enter PIN "000000" when prompted
- Enable the Advanced Protection Program and pair your U2F tokens. The initial setup only allows the configuration of two tokens, but additional tokens can be added the normal way (My Account → Sign-in & security → 2-Step Verification → ADD SECURITY KEY)
- On your iOS device, launch the Smart Lock App
- Login to your Google account
- When prompted to pair your security key, hold down the on the SecureClick until the LEDs flash red, select SClick U2F in Smart Lock, and enter PIN "000000".
- Your iOS device is now authenticated and your SecureClick is now paired as a BLE device
- Open your Google apps, and enable the account you authenticated in Smart Lock
You do not need to install the DIGIPASS Secure Click Manager app on your iOS devices. The Google Smart Lock app will handle the pairing.
Enabling Advanced Proteciton clears you 2 Step Verificaiotn methods, so you must re-enroll andy additional security keys.
The only feature I miss is contact syncing.
I had problems using the Bluetooth bridge on my macOS computers for initial setup, but it has started working on High Sierra (10.13.2) and El Capitan (10.11.6).